
Category: Financing Your Business

  • CSUF Entrepreneur Director John Bradley Jackson to Give Talk to OC Financial Society

    On Thursday, February 16 Director John Bradley Jackson will be giving a talk at a luncheon for the OC Financial Society. Details are here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ocfs-february-2017-luncheon-invitation-registration-tickets-21190739071 Director Jackson will focus on the intersection of finance and entrepreneurship. He recently gave a talk similar to the one planned for the OC Financial Society luncheon going into detail…

  • The 12 Slides you need for your Startup Pitch to Investors

    These are the 12 slides you need when you are pitching your business to investors. In this talk, John Bradley Jackson, Director for the Cal State Fullerton Center for Entrepreneurship and CSUF Startup Incubator, goes through the twelve slides that entrepreneurs need to nail when giving a pitch to investors. Investor presentations are are high…

  • A New Semester Begins at CSUF

    A new semester begins at Cal State Fullerton! Take a look at what is in store in this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider. For most of Cal State Fullerton the spring semester begins today and there are many things to look forward to during the semester at CSUF Entrepreneurship. Over the next couple of…

  • CSUF Entrepreneurship Success Story: Tristan Schmitt ’16

    In today’s modern business world, the way in which companies conduct business is rapidly changing. In the past, companies would purchase items from a manufacturer and then sell them for a higher price in order to cover the cost of operating a store. However, growing popularity among online businesses is now marking the end of…

  • CSUF Startup Incubator: How I Raised $4.5M!

    One of the key success factors for the Center for Entrepreneurship is our vast, and ever-growing, network of professionals and entrepreneurs. Many of these individuals engage with us as mentors in the classroom or at the CSUF Startup Incubator. Others are donors who help fund our operations and the competitions we hold for students like…

  • How I Raised Millions for my Startup @ CSUF Startup Incubator

    This is a tale of a current software startup and all that it’s done and still doing to raise capital. This talk will not sugarcoat anything, it’s the story of the real life startup grind. The company I’ve riased this money for is Badu Networks, a tech company that develops wifi solutions, and it has…

  • How to: Investor Pitch

    Earlier this year, Director Jackson hosted a seminar at the CSUF Startup Incubator about how to give an effective investor pitch. There are of course many different components that go into giving a good pitch and using this road map will help you when developing yours. It’s about an hour but well worth your time.…

  • CSUF Startup Incubator Resident's Mobile Game Ready to Launch

    Justin Lancy is the founder of Dragons Eye Entertainment and a Resident of the CSUF Startup Incubator. A little under a month ago he launched a Kickstarter campaign for his first game, titled Knightly Tales. There are still a few days left to contribute to help make possible a game with a “focus on what…

  • Dragons Eye Entertainment Set to Launch First Video Game – CSUF Startup Incubator Resident

    Since the CSUF Startup Incubator launched in January of 2015 we have worked with a lot of impressive entrepreneurs. One of those entrepreneurs is Justin Lancy. A veteran, Justin has been working on his dream of developing and launching a video game for a number of years now. In the middle of 2015, he joined…

  • Is Crowdfunding right for your Business?

    Lee Decker and Mark Thimmig were able to join the CSUF Startup Incubator on Wednesday night to give a talk on crowdfunding at the CSUF Startup Incubator. In a nutshell, undertaking a crowdfunding campaign is a big undertaking but it can be an ideal way to raise funds for your business and you can also…