
Category: Financing Your Business

  • Financing the Startup – CSUF Startup Incubator Event

    Whenever we host an event at the CSUF Startup Incubator our goal is to educate all in attendance. After working with entrepreneurs for years I can safely say that the area of raising investment capital is one of those areas that entrepreneurs need the most education on. Many of the entrepreneurs I have talked with…

  • CSUF Student-Entrepreneur Project – Nissan GT-R

    Every semester in the Marketing 450 Visual Marketing course students are tasked with creating a short film about something that they love. One of the students in the class this semester is Evan Ewing and he has decided to do his project and the Nissan GT-R. But he needs some help to pull this off.…

  • Student JV Pitch Competition at Survivor 7

    TCVN is launching the first JV Business Pitch Competition for Students at Survivor 7 on November 15, 2012 at Chapman University. The first 20 Students who purchase a ticket with Promo Code IWANNAPITCH will get a :30 pitch at Survivor 7. The winning pitch wins a one-on-one lunch with investor Steven A. Block, Managing Director…

  • Success Story: GamerComps.com

    This post was written by Steve Schoenhals, a CSUF student. Two years ago, I packed up as many belongings as I could fit into my car and drove from Michigan to California for the purpose of finishing my education at CSUF. My plan was to learn as much as I could at CSUF while also…

  • Why Do Start-Ups Fail So Often?

    It is common knowledge that many start-up companies are like;y to fail. If you’d like your start-up to beat the odds, there are a few things to keep in mind. Bill Davidow, once the senior vice president of Intel, wrote a book called “Marketing High Technology.” In his book, Davidow talks about what he calls…

  • JOBS Act

    In case you haven’t heard President Obama signed into law a bill that is aimed at helping out new ventures, something we are keenly interested in. The bipartisan effort aims to help fast growing new ventures by delaying the point at which they will need to register with the SEC and comply with all of…

  • 5 Tips for Getting Funded on Kickstarter

    Kickstarter is one of those ideas that grabs you by the lapels shoulders and makes you pay attention. That’s especially so now that Kickstarter boasts three projects that have raised over one million dollars (that’s $1,000,000+ for numerophiles). Of those three projects one is a video game, one is a design project and another a…

  • Kickstarter: Project Natalia

    Kickstarter is a company that we have written about before. Basically, what it does is connects people who want to do a project with people who are willing to help fund that project. That’s where Project Natalia comes in. Our film will introduce the world to a young woman [Natalia] who exudes passion, enthusiasm and…

  • Need help With Creating Financial Controls?

    Need help with creating financial controls and better accounting practices? Have CSUF student consulting help — they can do the things that you have wanted to do but have not had the time to do. Student Consultants are standing by. Contact Cymedina@fullerton.edu Travis Lindsay Center for Entrepreneurship

  • Are Business Plans Dead?

    I recently participated in a global entrepreneurship conference attended by entrepreneurship academicians, entrepreneur “wannabees”, and a few “real” entrepreneurs. A vigorous discussion emerged about the value of business plans at the university versus the usage of business plans in the “real” world. The general consensus was that angel investors (i.e. angel networks), private equity investors,…