Top Online Resources for Entrepreneurs
This list is in no way meant to be an exhaustive one but a place to discover new insights into entrepreneurship and business in general. By all means, if you have another blog or website that you frequently go to for inspiration and guidance then add it into the comments. Also, we will be updating…
Website Contest Deadline Looms Large
This is a reminder to all who have entered the The First Annual CSUF and Crexendo Website competition that the deadline for the completed websites is just three weeks away. Over $20,000 in prizes are up for grabs Visit the site. The University and Crexendo seek to nurture and teach students’ business skills and provide…
Last Day to Register for the Website Contest
Today is the last day to register for the Website Competition. Prizes include $7500.00 for first place. No programming experience necessary — beginners welcome. The Crexendo University Program (UP) is a college program sponsored by Crexendo, Inc. and offers college students an opportunity to create a web site using proven tools and techniques, and compete…
Color Sets the Stage
Color is the first and most important element of an image whether it is a logo, website, brochure, or direct mailer. Color is the stage where the images and words perform. Sometimes, color can say it all. According to The Kabbalah Circle, “The colors of nature have had their influence on us, and these influences…
SEO Means Trying to Keep Up With Google
Google is constantly changing the rules —- this means that web development and SEO firms must constantly adjust their optimization techniques. Sophisticated website development and SEO firms learn new things every day that impact web design decisions along with SEO techniques. Most of this learning is technical or “under the hood”, but it also includes…