
Tag: Titan Fast Pitch

  • An Excellent Titan Fast Pitch

    All the way back in 2014 John Chi was a finalist in the Titan Fast Pitch competition thanks to his great idea, for sure, but also for how excellent he was at pitching his idea. John knew his idea front to back and was able to take that knowledge and boil it down to its…

  • CSUF Startup Featured in OC Register

    In this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider Director John Bradley Jackson highlights the progress that a startup two of our students founded a year ago has made and how the first step to becoming an entrepreneur is telling people about your idea (A great place to do that for current university and high school…

  • How to make a Great Titan Fast Pitch

    Sixty seconds is not a lot of time but as you will find out in this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider there is a tried and true formula that will help you make your best pitch possible. The Titan Fast Pitch competition is less than a month away (October 21) and I encourage every…

  • Start with Why – How to make a Great Pitch

    Sixty seconds is not a long time to tell someone about your concept but that is what we challenge students to do at the Titan Fast Pitch competition on October 21. Why? The “why” is the answer. Entrepreneurs have a mission and being able to inspire people with the “why” of their mission makes the…

  • Big Things are Happening this fall for CSUF Entrepreneurship

    In this edition of the CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider we make a big announcement! Make sure to sign up to be a CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider to make sure that you can be an active member of this growing entrepreneurial community. For Cal State Fullerton’s entrepreneurship students the semester is already well underway. Many of them will…

  • Titan Fast Pitch Synopsis + Upcoming CSUF Entrepreneurship Events

    Every week, we update CSUF Entrepreneurship Insiders on what is going on in our community. To make sure that you do not miss these updates and to learn about how you can get involved in our entrepreneurial community make sure you become a CSUF Entrepreneurship Insider. What follows is the weekly update that includes links…

  • Titan Fast Pitch Synopsis

    As more than 500 people began filing into the conference hall at the Titan Student Union, it was clear that the competition for this year’s Titan Fast Pitch would be fierce. In excess of 150 university and high school students from many different SoCal schools were among those who attended the event and they all…

  • The Titan Fast Pitch was a Success!

    This year’s Titan Fast Pitch was the biggest yet with well over 500 people in attendance! It was a thrill seeing all of the student-entrepreneurs pitching their innovative business concepts to our all star judges. By hosting competitions like the Titan Fast Pitch our goal is to encourage and inspire tomorrow’s business leaders to think…

  • Directions to Titan Fast Pitch

    We look forward to seeing you at the Titan Fast Pitch this Saturday! Here are some points to help you find your way: Registration: Opens at 12:30pm; you do not need to bring your ticket, just give the person your name and they will check you in. If you haven’t had a chance to reserve…

  • Titan Fast Pitch Tips for Student Competitors

    For students attending Cal State Fullerton, the end of October is a hectic flurry of studying and activities in order to get ready for midterms. However, many of those students are also getting ready for an event that is arguably more important than midterms: the Titan Fast Pitch. The Titan Fast Pitch is a competition…