
The Extraordinary Ordinary Teaser Trailer – Film Created by CSUF Alumnus that Explores Mental Illness

Mental illness is something that most people either have to confront personally or through one of their family members or close friends. Even though that is the case discussing mental illness is still a taboo subject for many. That’s why we think that the Extraordinary Ordinary, a movie written and directed by Cal State Fullerton graduate Natalie Rodriguez ’14 and slated for release this spring, is so important.

In an interview on Grey, Natalie stressed the importance of not only exploring the issues associated with mental illness in her movie but also stressed the need for her cast and crew to take care of themselves as well. “‘A month prior to production, I had a lot of one on one meetings. I did encourage everyone to take care of themselves; get some rest, go eat, text me if you have any questions – I wanted to make sure everyone wasn’t feeling burned out.’ A critical component, especially in an industry where her position is mainly male-driven. It was imperative for Rodriguez to direct because, ‘Rejection. The more NO’s I got, definitely made me want to try it. The more No’s I got I was fortunate enough to have colleagues to support.’”

Natalie recently released a trailer, which you can watch below, and more information on Natalie and the Extraordinary Ordinary can be found on their Facebook page.

CSUF Entrepreneurship

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