Twenty Minutes with a Titan – Mehrdad and Mariam Komeili, Founders of My Office Apps

I have had the pleasure of working with Mariam and Mehrdad for about a year. Their business, My Office Apps, makes enterprise resource planning (ERP) affordable for small and mid-sized businesses. It’s a powerful SaaS service that helps focus decision makers on what is important.

In our discussion we talk about the importance of building a team, how experience leads to identifying problems that you can solve (and make a business out of!), and some of the amazing things that they have planned for the future. Great interview!

CSUF Entrepreneurship

We are dedicated to helping the next generation of entrepreneurs develop the skills that they need to compete locally and globally. The CSUF Entrepreneurship program does many things, including: consulting projects where students serve up fresh strategies to actual businesses, competitions for students from middle school to grad school, helping entrepreneurs go from concept to launch, frequent seminars and office hours for entrepreneurs and professionals, and much more. Interested in becoming a part of the CSUF Entrepreneurship community? Reach out to us at for more information! CSUF Entrepreneurship depends on the support of the community, please go here to donate.

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