Infectious Confidence: Director Jackson in the LA Times on the Opportunities of the Post Shutdown Economy
“New ideas are percolating, a Phoenix will rise from the ashes.” Recently, Patrice Apodaca, a columnist with the Los Angeles Time Community Newspaper, Daily Pilot, interviewed Director Jackson. Director Jackson shared his optimism about the Orange County recovery. Opportunities Students have lived through the pandemic. Now, they’re excited to fix the problems and deficiencies of…
CSUF MBA Consulting Team Places First, Undergraduate Team Second, in National Student-Consulting Competition
From the article, linked to above (full article): Cal State Fullerton business undergraduates and MBA students again took top spots at the National Small Business Institute Consulting Project of the Year Competition in 2021. The wins, announced on Feb. 26, were again presented virtually, demonstrating student versatility in providing real-world consulting for Southern California businesses.…
Own a Small- or Medium-sized Business? Can you answer a quick survey to help CSUF Entrepreneurship students?
One of the many great, fantastic things that we do in our program is that our students do consulting projects for local businesses. As part of these projects, students will oftentimes conduct surveys to help them get a clearer picture of things and the results from these surveys help the students put together better reports…
CSUF Entrepreneurship Students Provide Innovative Solutions For Companies Struggling To Survive Through The Pandemic
“The only constant in life is change.” As an entrepreneur, I thrive on change. It’s what gets me up in the morning and what drives me to work with so many students and companies. And, at this time, you need to change how you do business. So much has happened since the start of the…
CSUF Consulting – Why you should become a client
As part of the Small Business Institute at California State University, Fullerton, CSUF Consulting projects are intensive, semester-long projects undertaken by groups of business students under the supervision of their professor and, for Undergraduates, with the assistance of a mentor from the professional world. Projects can either focus on a specific discipline (e.g. Operations, Finance,…
Businesses Always Have HR Challenges – Our Student Consultants Can Help Your Business Find Actionable Solutions
Having worked with companies for decades I can tell you that one HR is something that most executives do not pay enough attention to. This is especially the case for smaller companies and that’s why I always recommend utilizing one of our CSUF Consulting teams to help improve the HR process to the business owners…
University, industry find mutual benefits through business advising programs
“University-based advising can be the cornerstone of a strong university-industry partnership that increases innovation and improves new employee readiness,” says UIDP in its publication “University Business Advising.” You certainly won’t get any argument from John B. Jackson, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, Small Business Institute, and CSUF (California State University, Fullerton) Startup Incubator, and…